Dark Regions Press is one of the prime publishers of horror fiction today. They have been in business since 1985, and over the years have published fiction from many fine authors. Recently the people in charge noticed something: there's not nearly enough good science fiction horror out in the field. Sure, there is some, if you look for it. There's certainly no lack of quality sci-fi terror in cinema, and the video game market has a growing stable of titles that fit the bill perfectly. But as for books and stories? A few come to mind, but not nearly enough. Thankfully, the fine folks in charge at Dark Regions Press have decided to change that. And as great as that news is, the news of who they picked as managing editor makes it all the more exciting.
Ted E. Grau is many things. An author of dark fiction, an essayist, a blogger, a friend and a weird fiction/horror connoisseur. As he now adds editor onto his resume, I could think of no one more well-suited to this position. Mr. Grau was kind enough to consent to an interview, to give readers an idea of what's in store.
AD: Dark Regions Press is one of the most successful small
press publishers, putting out quality work for over two decades. What are you
bringing to the team?
TEG: I hope that I’m
bringing a keen eye for quality writing, first and foremost. I approach my position as not only an editor,
but also as a writer of genre fiction, and a huge fan, as well. I will seek out authors and help develop
projects that I view as the best available from the ever-expanding pool of
talent working in speculative fiction, both new and established.
I want to discover and secure the best in contemporary
Science Fiction Horror Fiction, and cover art, adding to an already proud
roster of DRP authors and impressive catalog of books.
AD: What kind of science fiction horror works for you? What
are some examples of novels/short story collections and authors that hit what
you feel to be the mark when it comes to the science fiction horror genre?
TEG: Something
imaginative and bold, and not derivative at its core. I’m not a big fan of bandwagon horror, where
every new story sounds like the last, to take advantage of some marketing
flashpoint or cultural trend. I’m not
looking for sparkling vampire stories or florid romance between supernatural
creatures… in space. I want something
ORIGINAL and compelling. I want
something terrifying, and profoundly unsettling. I want a great story, constructed of great
prose, be it baroque or Spartan. I’m a style
hound, but those styles can vary, as long as the story is interesting, and
appeals to our readership.
As for what authors of Science Fiction Horror might fit my
ideal, my answer will be a bit hazy, as Dark Regions is one of the few - and
possibly only - publishers that now has a stand-alone, dedicated department
devoted solely to Science Fiction Horror, and only Science Fiction Horror. Chris Morey wants to break new ground in this
area, and I want to help him do just that, building the brand and helping add
additional accolades to a strong, fair-dealing publisher devoted to bringing
the best of speculative fiction to readers and the wider Horror, Fantasy, and
Science Fiction marketplace.
So, back to the question:
I don’t want to name any particular authors, collections, or novels as
my favorites, as I’m bound to leave someone out of my specific praise, so I’ll
wuss out and default to the sorts of Science Fiction Horror films and
television series that appeal to me, starting with John Carpenter’s The Thing,
which is my favorite horror film of all time.
Other examples of great - or at the very least, interesting – Science
Fiction Horror on the big and small screen include Alien, Frankenstein, The
Mist, Planet of the Apes, Blade Runner, The Fly, War of the Worlds, Invasion of
the Body Snatchers, Alien Nation, The Terminator, The Blob, old Japanese
monster movies, 1950’s and 60’s American science fiction creature films, Dr.
Who, Lost in Space, the original Land of the Lost and original V, The X-Files,
and more recently, Cloverfield and Prometheus, although I had issues with
both. Zombie and post-apocalyptic films
count, as well, as long as they have a definite futuristic/science fiction
backbone. Stories that echo some of
these themes are all fair game, and will have my immediately interest.
And, as a proud reader, writer, and supporter of
Lovecraftian fiction, I’m a sucker for Cosmic Horror, as long as its not
Mythos-heavy pastiche.
AD: So as the managing editor of science fiction horror,
what kind of work are you looking for?
TEG: I’m looking for
anything that pushes the boundaries and has a unique voice. Familiar tropes are okay, as it becomes
increasingly difficult to create something 100% original as more and more
stories are penned each day, but if the setting is prosaic, make what happens
and by whom original and unique in some way.
It can be epic and galactic, or it can be small and
intimate. It can experimental, it can be
slipstream, it can even be conventional, as far as setting and other tertiary
elements. It just has to sing. Overall, I’m tough, but not a snob. I enjoy a good breezy read as much as a deep,
thought provoking piece, as long as it’s well written. Now, describing what good fiction looks,
sounds, and tastes like compared to bad is nearly impossible, but you certainly
know both the former and the latter when you come across it. I want to read – and DRP wants to publish -
the good stuff, and won’t settle for anything less.
So, if you have a novel or novella that you think fits the
bill, have someone put a bird in my ear.
We aren’t accepting general submissions, and will be operating by invite
and referral only, so if I don’t know about an amazing work of Science Fiction
Horror that needs to see the light of a dying sun, find a way to bring it to my
attention, and I’ll take it from there.
AD: Do you have a "manifesto" or any goals that
you've formulated going into this new position?
TEG: My main goal is
to continue the tradition of excellence and success that Dark Regions Press has
established and maintained for just shy of three decades. That’s incredibly impressive. As other indie presses have risen and fallen
(sometimes in quite surprising and/or painful fashion), DRP has remained, and I
take that decorated longevity very seriously in my mission to keep the brand
vibrant and strong.
Following that, the ambitious editor in me would like to
elevate – if possible – the quality of book that DRP puts out, from the inside
out. Even the best can always improve,
and I think with the recent staff additions to the company (including R.J.
Cavender of Cutting Block Press fame joining as Managing Editor of Horror),
Dark Regions is looking to grow and advance, becoming a bedrock for the very
best in Horror, Fantasy, and Science Fiction – and all the delicious
amalgamations of the same – in the field today.
My manifesto is to make that happen, and I’ll be dogged in this pursuit.
AD: Thanks again for doing the interview, I really look
forward to seeing what you do with Dark Regions Press!
TEG: Thank you,
Justin, for the great questions and the interest in Dark Regions Press, and my
new position in the company. Excellent
review and news sites devoted to speculative fiction like Arkham Digest are
essential to helping spread the good, dark word about our authors and projects,
and I hope some of our books make their way into the Digest in the coming
days. New vistas beckon, and we’ve got
so much to show you…
Ted E. Grau has a blog, The Cosmicomicon, in which he writes essays and book reviews. His essay work can also be found on The Teeming Brain as well as The Horrifically Horrifying Horror Blog. His fiction has appeared in numerous places, such as the Lovecraftian anthologies Dead But Dreaming 2, Urban Cthulhu: Nightmare Cities, and The Aklonomicon as well as the always amazing (and free to read) Lovecraft eZine.
Thanks for doing this interview, Justin. I'm quite honored.